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Pitcairn Travel Guide



If you don't have the faintest idea where on earth Pitcairn Islands might be located, don't worry. Few could accuse you of ignorance as the name doesn't often ring a bell to even the most geographically conversant. Halfway between New Zealand and the Americas, 3000 miles from the nearest landmass, the last remaining British overseas territory in the Pacific struggles to stay afloat in the raging depths. Henderson, Ducie, Oeno, and Pitcairn, of which only the last one is inhabited, have deservedly been called one of the world's remotest spots.

As an outsider, tiny Pitcairn can afford to be different. And it truly is a weirdo. Born out of treason to the crown and home to around 50 descendants of the Bounty mutineers, it has, paradoxically, become a British colony. Even more oddly, while alcohol and smoking are at least heavily frowned upon by the locals and you need an official permit to drink when viviting, the community has an allegedly long history of child sexual abuse which culminated in 2004 charges (a shocking scandal that turned the world's eyes to forgotten Pitcairn). Geography isn't a lot more favorable either. The treacherous coastline is dotted with locations named "Where Freddie Fall", "Where Minnie Off", or simply... "Oh dear", the connotation being that the stunning views were the last things Freddie, Minnie, and a bunch of others saw on their way down the cliffs.

But then again, a single swim in the amazing St. Paul's Pool nestled among the seaside rocks, a single hour in Henderson's bird sanctuary, and a single look around from top of Down Rope cliff are well worth the longest journey in your life. As a visitor, you will find the locals up to their ears with work. Their labor force estimated at around 15 able-bodied men, Pitcairnians will certainly appreciate a hand, so aside quad bike tours, snorkeling, bird watching and hiking, you may wish to chop down a tree, help with the beehives, or weave a basket. You could enjoy yourself while also doing something worthwhile, and that adds an entirely different dimension to your holiday experience.


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